Encouragement for The Journey

“Then a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my dearly loved Son. Listen to him.””
‭‭Mark‬ ‭9:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  • God knows who to send for encouragement and at what time in your journey in order for you to keep going.
  • God loves us into place in order to encourage us! 
  • God encourages the disciples.
  • God will always speak it before He does it.
  • Ask God what He's up to.
  • We need faith to keep us between the word and the fulfillment. 
  • Jesus selects Peter, James, and John to go higher. God always sends in twos which means someone is paired up with Jesus. 
  • Jesus is God is enough to be paired up with all of us. Don't judge someone just because they are paired up in a different way than you are. 
Appointment is connected to ordination.
  • Some people don't have the assignment to go to the higher places God is taking you. 
  • We can't be picky about how we're serving. We should be grateful to be in the body of Christ to begin with. We should be happy that God forgot all the things of your past and even g
  • We're killing people spiritually trying to take them places that they don't have the capacity to sustain. 
  • Did you bring your own air to praise? Are you depending on the pastor air? The choir's air? The conference's air? 
  • You can't take people to who don't have the relationship and prayer life you have.
  • Don't be mad that you're not at the elevation of others, be happy that God has still given you work to do. 
  • God is not blessing to show your enemies that you have favor. He's blessing you to bless YOU!
  • Some of us base our Christianity off of others not liking us. We go out of our to make enemies, we continue to say that they will be our footstools. But you should have less enemies and more friends! It's better to stand on the shoulder of a supporter than a footstool of an enemy. 
  • Look to Jesus and not your problems. When you look to him your storms seem small.

Location is connected to revelation
  • Until you get to where God wants you to be he cannot show you what he wants to show you. 
  • You may not know why you went through want you went through, but you can look at God's hand on your life and appreciate him for the journey.
  • How old are Peter, James, and John that they know what Moses and Isaiah look like? 
  • They speak directly to Jesus. They're are simply spectators, you don't have to do something, you just have to present.
  • Peter tries to inject humanity into divinity.
  • Peter didn't know what to say. But he really didn't need to talk. Sometimes we have to be silent in order it see God move.
  • Don't respond to God emotionally, respond to Him spiritually. God is more than an good feeling. The Holy Spirit is more than a good feeling. Christianity isn't always a good feeling.
Assignment is connected to vocation.
  • Don't get stuck at a pit stop because you will never get to your destination. They want to build a tabernacle at Mt Herman but Jesus us trying to take them to Calvary.
  • God doesn't address Peter. Some people don't have to be addressed. Don't waste your time arguing with people who don't have your destiny in mind. He tells them that Jesus is his son. God provides confirmation to them not you prove anything, but to strengthen they're faith.
  • When everything else is gone, the one thing that remains is Jesus.
  • Continue to push on until you see what God has spoken into your life.
