Waiting on Agape (Spoken Word)

This is the spoken word piece I ministered at Africa Ball in April. If I figure out how to upload the video I will lol. I hope it blesses you!

“Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right.”
‭‭Song of Songs‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭NLT

"Waiting on Agape"

There was a boy, a yoruba boy, 
that used to be mine

He was smart, he was humble.
He was my type of guy.

Even better, he loved the Lord.
Of course that made him even more fine. 

We fell in love, this yoruba boy and I
But unfortunately at the wrong time.

So let me tell you about my break up that turned into a breakthrough 

let me tell you how I resisted the yearning desire of my heart and instead walked in faith 

And even though it hurt me to my core, I have no regrets to this day 

because REAL love is so sacred, so holy, and so righteous that its only right for us to wait. 

I was seventeen when I met him, too worried about my GPA to give the time of day so he waited 

I wasn't ready for all of that,
so he took the L, but many months later I bounced back and said "I'm ready for this"

I was never the type to feel like I needed someone at my side until I met him. My smiles were just a little wider, my laughs were never ending, and the butterflies they talk about in movies were actually chilling in my stomach.. how crazy is this?

My friends are out here complaining about Yoruba demons meanwhile I've found a prince,
better yet a king, who never let a second go by without making me feel like royalty. 

So you can imagine how surprised I was when the Lord took Him away from me. 

So suddenly, we sought guidance to strengthen our union but instead we were commanded to be set apart, because we were not yet set apart in Him 

and the Lord said to me:

this love can become something beautiful, divine, and eternal. but right now its in danger because its partakers are not cleansed of their childish ways. you have yet to fully mature in your relationship with me and know what MY love looks like. You continue to contaminate my Agape with your eros. This union doesn’t worship me, it tries but consistently fails for lack of knowledge. If only you would acknowledge that I can give you better if you wait.

I have work to do with you two. I want to transform you into a powerful woman of Christ and Him into phenomenal God fearing man. You think you're there but there's a long way ahead, so I need to wait. I need to trust me to prepare you to become to best lover you can be. Don't complain about the bitter taste of love I said isn't ripe yet. Is not right yet. Because it's not my will for you at this time. You can't serve me together if you haven't learned how to fully serve me apart. Let's be real. You're making me compete for your time and your love and I'm not here for it. Texting him night and day but somehow not being able to put aside time to pray? Yes I'm jealous. Because you have forsaken your first love. 

You have forsaken your first love.

So yes, I gave up my first love to rediscover who my real first love was. Jesus.
The keeper of my heart and lover of my soul. The one in which I am made whole.
Jesus, the one who set the standard of love and by dying for you and I. He’s where my identity lies.
And until my love story is written with Him I refuse to begin writing one with any other.

there’s no shame in this singleness or in this breakup because my salvation is more important that being cuffed
I would rather be a supportive sister in Christ than a hinderance of a girlfriend any day 
I didn’t follow my heart, I followed His will. Emotions are deceptive, but there are no gray areas when it comes to His spirit.
So I thank the Lord for protecting me from my own version of love and allowing me learn that its only His that remains 
And I pray that soon this yoruba boy and I will find our union of true of Agape.
