
As much as we love to embrace this “come as you are” attitude in our ministries many of us still lack true acceptance in the body of Christ. This may be for several reasons– the person may not look or act the way you want them to or as much as you want to see good in them their current/past sin is blinding you from their potentially open heart. Funny thing is your basically looking in the mirror–back when you didn’t know who Christ was, back when you were broken and hopeless and indulged in a multitude of sins. This person you’re hesitant to accept was you not so long ago. So what’s stopping you from loving them with the love of God? Don’t let your strength in The Lord ignore and disregard the weakness in man. That’s not why He gave it to us, God gave us strength to serving Him through serving others. Don’t get it mixed up and don’t get a big head. We aren’t here to please ourselves, humble yourself just like Christ did. “For those who humble themselves will be exalted and those to exalt themselves will be humbled” God used His son for His glory as he went down to the level of the Jews and the Gentiles. And according to inheritance we can do anything Christ has done, meaning we can get down to the level of servants in order to embody the love in the most genuine way possible. So many churches that say “anyone is welcome in the house of God” but as son as a drunk, or prostitute or cheater, or anything out of the ordinary walks in what do they get? Rude stares, whispers, prejudice. Stop faking acceptance and start acting on in, or else those who are living lives of sin will never feel welcome to give their lives to Christ. 
Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory. (‭Romans‬ ‭15‬:‭7‬ NLT)
