
Question asked by a friend : what does edification mean? 
Answer in my words: It’s basically using the words from your mouth to uplift others and strengthen the body of Christ. Like we use preaching the gospel, sharing testimonies, and prophesying to edify other believers/ nonbelievers. And we use speaking tongues—the heavenly language with God—as a way to edify our spirit. Edify essential means to instruct / improve if you try to define it online. The way I look at it is like feeding, if our physical being is hungry we feed it with food right, same for our spirit man, He needs to be feed (edified) in order to grow strong in us. 
Supporting scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:1-5
That’s pretty focused on prophesy along but there should be scriptures out there covering all aspects of edification. Search for it & hip your girl lol 
But anyways, in answering the question I wanted to get into the reasoning for why I’m doing this blog, for the sake of edification and encouragement. There are people out there who need a Word, whatever that message may be, to get them through the day, or give them strength/motivation to conquer a present battle. There are people who’ve been absolutely been broken down by harsh and cruel words that need to be uplifted and empowered by words of kindness and love. There are people who simple need constant reminders of how precious the are, how blessed they are, and how destined for greatness they are. God instructed His children to uplift, correct and encourage one another and I’m simply being obedient to that instruction. What’s the point of me being eloquent in speech if I can’t somehow use it for God’s glory right? So my blog “edifyanduprise” is not only sharing the word of God but also the general opinions and a seventeen year old girl living for God (along with guest writers). Though I may not receive lots of followers etc I know someone out there will be reading, and I know someone will be blessed.. And truly, that’s all that matters.
