COMING SOON: Enjoying the Season of Singleness: The Breakthrough After the Breakup

Enjoying the Season of Singleness: The Breakthrough After the Breakup 

We live in a generation where dating is heavily encouraged and expected at a fairly young age. The word "love" is used casually, and we commit our time and effort and sometimes even our bodies to another individuals. Dating, in and of itself, is a man made construct. 

But God desires a pure and perfect relationship for each of us. He has ordained partners for us and he doesn't want us to endure heartbreak and drama and adultery before finding "the one". He wants you to seek HIM, love HIM, and live in HIM. Eventually at the right time, he will place that person in your path, and HE will reveal to you whether they are the one. 

BUT until then, you must enjoy the season of singleness. Because God has you right where He wants you, all to Himself. At this point of your life, God wants to grow and develop you into and young man / young woman Christ. 

“Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right.”
‭‭Song of Songs‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Read what Angela and Tobi have learned through their breakup about how important the seasons of singleness is for young men and women of Christ! 
