Primetime: what's the standard?
Welcome to your present primetime,
You're on fire for Christ. You're slowly becoming the friend, student, and family member that you want to be. You're building genuine connections within the body of Christ. You're making an effort put aside the things of this world and put on the things of God. You're determined. You are diligent. You are unstoppable. But do you know these things?
Your primetime is a time in your life when the enemy tries to knock you off the pedestal God had placed you on. Yes he is coming strong because like they say, "new levels, new devils." The enemy can't stand to see you working against his excuse of a kingdom. Since God has your heart, he chases after your more vulnerable mind and he plays tricks on you.
Questions and doubts and insecurities, inadequacies and shortcomings: they're all beginning to rush your mind. The enemy is trying to shift the standard by which you live. He's trying to make us reflect on what the world says about us rather than the Most High, as if the one who created us wouldn't know our potential best. A place of community becomes a place a competition because we're all just tryna make it in this world. There's more envy than encouragement amongst our brothers and sisters. We're too worried about who's doing it better or who's doing it faster that we forget what we're even doing it in the first place. The enemy will have our minds running around in an inescapable maze. He's afraid of your true identity so he threatens it by making you question it.
Am I good enough? Should I be more like him / her? Do I really know where I am going? Am I really gonna be successful?
He fabricates a multitude of lies that reside in our minds. Then our hearts begin to cry not for a love that left, but a love we stopped paying attention to.
Pay attention. Pay attention. Clear your mind for a second. Remember who created you. Remember who your Father is. Remember the God you serve.
Everything He speaks comes to pass, therefore everything He said about you and your future is/ is soon to be true. So you have to remember His word and speak it over your life; don't allow the enemy to rob you in this prime time with Christ!
Remember that in your weakness, He is made strong. That those who trust in Him find renewed strength. That God knows the plans He has for you! That His love prevails all things!
Know your word & remind yourself of His promises. We serve a God who cannot fail, and when we inherited the kingdom of God we gained these rights as well.
Jesus is the one and only standard, and we must understand that especially in this primetime of our walks in order to prevent the mind games of the enemy.
Victory and success is in your birthright. Failure is not an option, not because your parents said so or America says so, but because God has already declared good things over your future. No plot of the enemy shall prosper. Authority is given to those we come in agreement with! Do not believe what the enemy says about you, don't feed into the lies and doubts. Have faith that the God that sent His son to die for you knows you're worth it. Believe what God says about you and start looking at your life through His eyes. Renew your mind on a daily basis and make a conscious effort to the draw closer to the Father. Like I said .. You're determined. You are diligent. You are unstoppable. And you MUST know these things. ❤️
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